Knight Ware's used Bretonnian Army
Description and Image Links

I am asking $800 plus sales tax for the entire lot.

Most of the non sealed items have been assembled.
Some of the pieces are painted to some degree,
some are just primed.
Some have been modified
Hover or click the below links for pics.

Box of Bitz
This box contains extra heads, arms,
most of the shields that are not already on a dude,
and other random assorted bitz.

There are 3 Sealed Boxes
A metal trebuchet, a box of grail knights and a box of regular knights.

A unit of Bowmen and a unit of Men at Arms
Some of the command have not fully been assembled.
There should be parts to complete them in the bitz box.

Grail Reliquae and Battle Pilgrims
A mostly painted Grail Reliquae with its extra pilgrims
and an additional 6 primed Battle Pilgrims.
The 12 shields are there but not attached.

Various Lords / Heroes
Green Knight (It's missing its pennant pole),
A painted Battle Standard Bearer,
a Damsel and a Classic Mounted Sorceress

5 Mounted Yeomen
(those with lances have had them clipped)

Pegasus Knights
6 Pegasai but missing a couple dudes
Most of these have been modified,
the pegasai seem to be on aluminum shafts,
a couple have broken off
A couple of the dudes have had their lances broken.
The parts are there, a pain to pin,
may need to use a sleeve here.

Dukes and Questing Knights
Duke #1 should be complete.
Duke #2 has been modified,
he should have an axe but someone gave him a sword instead.
A bunch of Questing Knights.
Command group, #3 and #6 mostly assembled,
one is missing his horse.
2 unassembled blisters.

Regular Bretonnian Knights
These are mostly assembled.

Unit on the right
is assembled with some paint,
has command but the musician is missing his head,
(there is a spare one for him)
and the standard broke.
The part is there or there is a fresh unpainted one
if you want to replace the arm.

Middle unit
is mostly assembled, some paint, no command.

Left unit,
Most have had their lances cut and their helmets trimmed.
There are spare lances and the bitz box has a bunch of extra heads.