Privateer Press
Basic Paint Inventory List

Quantities are approximate
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Pricing is for pickup and BEFORE sales tax    No Shipping

QTY SKU Type Item Name $Each
2 PIP 93049 Paint Arcane Blue $4.00
3 PIP 93012 Paint Armor Wash $4.00
2 PIP 93068 Paint Bastion Grey $3.50
2 PIP 93060 Paint Battledress Green $4.00
1 PIP 93027 Paint Battlefield Brown $4.00
1 PIP 93056 Paint Beast Hide $3.50
1 PIP 93031 Paint Bootstrap Leather $4.00
1 PIP 93082 Paint Brass Balls $4.00
2 PIP 93054 Paint Carnal Pink $3.50
2 PIP 93162 Paint Caspian Flesh Wash $4.00
2 PIP 93075 Paint Cold Steel $4.00
2 PIP 93067 Paint Cryx Bane Base $4.00
1 PIP 93069 Paint Cryx Bane Highlight $4.00
1 PIP 93041 Paint Cygnar Blue Base $3.50
1 PIP 93023 Paint Ember Orange $4.00
1 PIP 93011 Paint Flesh Wash $4.00
1 PIP 93045 Paint Frostbite $4.00
1 PIP 93034 Paint Gnarls Green $3.50
1 PIP 93043 Paint Greatcoat Grey $3.50
1 PIP 93061 Paint Gun Corps Brown $3.50
1 PIP 93032 Paint Hammerfall Khaki $4.00
1 PIP 93024 Paint Heartfire $4.00
2 PIP 93035 Paint Iosan Green $4.00
1 PIP 93044 Paint Ironhull Grey $4.00
1 PIP 93022 Paint Khador Red Highlight $4.00
2 PIP 93048 Paint Meredius Blue $4.00
1 PIP 93058 Paint Midlund Flesh $4.00
1 PIP 93078 Paint Molten Bronze $4.00
3 PIP 93036 Paint Ordic Olive $4.00
1 PIP 93209 Paint Piggy Purple Ink $4.00
2 PIP 93026 Paint Sulfuric Yellow $3.50
2 PIP 93033 Paint Thornwood Green $4.00
2 PIP 93071 Paint Thrall Flesh $4.00
1 PIP 93037 Paint Traitor Green $3.50
1 PIP 93047 Paint Trollblood Base $4.00
2 PIP 93070 Paint Trollblood Highlight $4.00
1 PIP 93050 Paint Underbelly Blue $3.50
1 PIP 93038 Paint Wurm Green $3.50
1 PIP 93014 Paint Yellow Ink $4.00
1 PIP 93115 Paint Set Retribution of Scyrah Colors $17.99

Modeling Painting Aerosol Spray
Paint - Games Workshop Paint - Army Painter Paint - Privateer Press
Paint - Turbodork Paint - Vallejo Paint - WizKids Prismatic
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